Future Projects

In Love With a Sword

In Love With a Sword will be a webcomic a fictional story featuring 4 main charachters; Kumi Hill (19), Naomi Valdez (16), Ren (22), and Maks(16). As after Kumi and Naomi get lost and try to find a way back home. The comic is planned to include different languages, but able to be read with just the knowledge of the English language. The story has many secrets to uncover, and is planned to be a 3 part series. The name In Love With a Sword was deiced years ago when the comic had a different story and more focused on the action as well as sword fighting and even though you will still be able to see that in the final version, it won't be the focal point of the story so the name of the comic is subject to change.

It's Just You and Me (and Him)

It's Just You and Me (and Him) will be a webcomic featuring featuring 3 main charachters; Su-Jin (27), Luna Wright (25), and Grayson (25). As the name might suggest this story is about these 3 charachters and their romantic reltionships between one another. This comic however won't be a love triangle, but instead a polyamorous romance story.